The Human Gastro-Intestinal System
A complex “ecosystem” typically containing 500+ different species of bacteria often referred to collectively as the “microflora”.
The total number of bacteria in the GI system far exceeds the total number of tissue cells which make up the human body.
The total weight of bacteria in the GI System is approx. 3.5lbs.
The basic function of the microflora is to act as a barrier to harmful bacteria (microbial pathogens) which can cause illness & disease.
The most common group of bacteria indigenous to the human GI is known as Bifidobacteria. Others include Lactobacillus acidophilus & casei.
Our general level of health depends to a large extent upon the condition of the friendly bacteria in our GI system and their ability to control harmful bacteria.
A diet rich in complex carbohydrates (vegetables, fruits, grains etc.) encourages high levels of bifidobacterium in adults. A meat rich diet has the opposite effect.